This year Madison decided that she wanted to compete for gymnastics. At her level the competitions are very low pressure. Each team member does a brief routine on bars, vault, beam and floor. They get a ribbon for each routine and a medal at the end. Basically the kids are critiqued by their own coaches. Because she is her mother's daughter, Madison was nervous and had a little tummy ache before the meet. She was concerned that they music would go too fast during her floor routine. Of coarse we tried to encourage her and reaffirm that it was all about having fun. She looked so cute in her leotard and warm up suit! We were so proud of her. She didn't let her nervous get the best of her. She gave her her best and had fun. It seems like yesterday that we were chasing her around a parent and tot class. Molly started in a parent and tot class too. And now she is in the 5 year old class. She is thrilled because just last week she finally made it across the monkey bars all by herself. The look in her face was priceless! Often Molly will give up quickly when the task is challenging. She doesn't always have faith in herself. Lately she is starting to figure out that when you try your best and don't give up, you'll get it right eventually. Gymnastics has been great for them. I'm hoping to get Mallory in a parent and tot class at the rec center this winter. The special time with mommy, playing with other kids and physical activity will definitely be a plus this winter. We've got some active girls that's for sure!