Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Star is Born!

Last night we went to a play about the continents to see Madison perform with the rest of the second graders from her school. It was another confirmation of what a phenomenal school and district our kids have the opportunity to be a part of. I am so glad that way back before we had children when we first started house hunting, I was already thinking about ensuring that they would go to excellent schools. Instead of the music teacher choosing a play with an already created script that anyone could use, these kids got to choose what they wanted to do a play about. The decided the theme would be the seven continents. This is a topic they have touched on all year in a variety of integrated ways. They were placed into small groups based on the continent they choose. Then together with their classroom teacher, music teacher and librarian, they researched it. Each child was responsible for coming up with their costume and the line that they said would say based on a fact that they had collected. I truly believe that the most learning takes place when a child takes ownership of it. That clearly happened with this wonderfully enriching experience. Not only did Madison learn about Australia, for weeks she came home telling us facts that she had learned about places all around the world. Her enthusiasm was amazing. I was impressed because she added to her line to make it sound more authentic. She really got into her part. Her teacher said she was a natural! I was so proud of my little girl!


Joey said...

Madison looks so beautiful. Boy, she is one tall, skinny thing...lucky her!

aunt susan said...

when I see our star in person I hope she'll perform for me I had a hard time hearing.