Wednesday, January 6, 2010

More Mallory Milestones

So much has changed with Mallory over the past several months! She has blossomed into a little girl. Madison moved into her own room and Mallory started bunking with Molly. The change was well received by everyone. Shortly before school started, she had her teeth cleaned for the first time. She was a little nervous, so I let her sit in my lap and she was fine after that. A week before preschool we said goodbye to her beloved paccie. She was very attached, but with school starting we knew it was time. We got rid off all of them except for one and every evening we would snip a tiny piece off without her knowing. We told her that the "paccie fairy" needed it to make new paccies for little babies. She wasn't happy about the idea, but she started to go along with it. We thought we forgot it at Rosanna's and knew there was no turning back. She cried herself to sleep and that was that. I couldn't believe how easy it was! She started preschool in a young 3's program. At first I second guess myself about starting her so early. But it didn't last long. She loves school! She always asks if it's a school day for her. We're thrilled with Carousel House! She also started gymnastics. She was just like her sisters were starting out. All over the place! With in a few weeks she had the routine figured out and was quickly improving. She definitely has Madison's strength and agility. Her instructor just comment how amazed she was with Mallory's improved skills. She loves being able to look across the gym and see Molly in her class. They are pals. She is growing and changing so quickly! In September she got her ears pierced. She was such a brave girl. Only a few tears and she was fine. She hates getting her hair fixed, but when she is finished she immediately goes to a mirror or Duane if he's home and primps. Mallory is full of enthusiasm, spunk and energy. She always has something to say. I love to listen to her when she has something exciting to say. Her eyes light up. She is very imaginative and is always coming up with some animated and comical situations for her dolls. She brings us so much joy. Numerous times a day she will come up to me for no reason and say "I love you mommy". It's the most precious gift! Of course she has her challenging moments too like every child. She has a bit of a temper when she doesn't get her way. Although they are buddies, her sisters have endured her wrath on many occasions. I love that she is growing and thriving the way she should. But it's hard to see your babies grow up so fast!

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