Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Back to School

This year Mallory started a new year of preschool, Molly began First grade and Madison began Fourth grade.  It'd always hard to say goodbye to summer, but the girls were excited for the first day of school.  We decided to switch Mallory to three days a week this year.  On Wednesday she gets to stay and have lunch with her friends.  Her teacher is Mrs. Hatton.  Mallory continues to love school and her teacher.  Molly went through the typical growing pains that I see every year with my own first grade class.  She was worried about making friends and we tired after a full day of school.  After a few weeks she settled into the routine and had made lots of friends.  Her teacher is very creative so Molly's "out of the box" way of thinking seems to fit well in her class:)  Madison has a busy schedule with lot of responsibilities that she's trying to adjust to as a Fourth grader.  She is involved in Orchestra and Chorus.  She is learning how to play the violin.  Also she is on Safety Patrol and was elected by her class for Student Council.  She has lots to keep track of and it's been a big adjustment. This year I have one of the biggest challenging of my career.  I have 27 First graders in my class.  This is the largest class I've ever had.  It's a wonderful class and we have lots of support from parents and a classroom aide.  Every day is getting easier for all of us.  I'm excited to begin helping out at Madison and Molly's classes on my days off.  We're looking forward to another great year!

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