Monday, January 3, 2011

Busy Girls

The Scott girls are girls on the go!  They have a busy schedule to keep up with.  Madison had her bridging over ceremony where she went from being a Brownie to a Girl Scout.  Hard to believe she started Scouts when she was in Kindergarten.  Molly decided to take a break from Daisy Scouts this year.  She has adjusted to being in school all day as a first grader.  She continued on with her music enrichment class this year.  She loves to sing.  We enjoyed her winter program right before the holidays.  Madison also had a holiday performance and her first strings concert.  She is enjoying both chorus and playing the violin this year.  We were the poster family for the Washington Township Rec. Center this fall.  Molly took a Tae Kwon Do class for an hour every Tues. and Thurs. evening.  On Tuesdays, Duane and Madison did the rock climbing wall and I went to the gym while Molly was in her class.  We could all see each other from our different designated areas.  Mallory kept busy coloring and playing with her toys within eye sight of us.  On Thursday evenings Mallory took swim lessons while Molly was in her class.  It was a great set up!  Molly started CCD so both her and Madison go to St. Charles every Tuesday afternoon.  Our schedule worked out for all three girls to go to Twigs.  Madison is giving tumbling a try.  She loves it.  Her sisters are both still in gymnastics.  Mallory was old enough to go to her first Parents Night Out with her sisters.  After the regular soccer season ended, Madison did a session futsol.  It helps her keep up with her skills and have fun doing what she loves.  Madison was elected by her class for student council.  She was so excited to have the opportunity to represent her class.  Molly held her own on the bike track for the first time.  She did a good job keeping up with big sis and staying on two wheels.  I can't put to words hope grateful I am to have the opportunity to volunteer in the girls classrooms and be a part of their school experiences as well as their extracurricular activities.  One evening we took a break from our busy schedule and went to see Disney on Ice with the Ackleys.  Rosanna had tickets and was kind enough to invite us to join her.  We had a lot of fun.  Mallory had never been to Disney on Ice before.  Sometimes you just need to take a break and we enjoyed a girls night together.  We're looking forward to things slowing down with our schedule a little this winter.  That gives us more time for reading books, playing games and family movies nights!         

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