Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School...Again!

I can't believe that we are back in full swing with school! The summer flew by! Madison went back to school on August 20. I was disappointed that she went back so early. But it ended up working out nicely. I didn't go back until the following week so we had some time to get her adjusted before I went back to work. It is such a headache balancing our schedules every year. I hate to ask for help. But every year there it always seems that I have to leave for work 5 or 10 minutes before the bus picks Madison up. I have to jump through hoops for 5 or 10 minutes. Lisa is watching Madison after school again on Thursdays and Fridays and Rosanna has the other two girls. She helps get Molly to school and back on the days I work. Thank God for good friends! Madison is one of the big kids now. We said goodbye to Primary Village North which was a k-1 school. Now she is down the street at John Hole Elementary which is grades 2-5. She has an assignment notebook now and the bus picks her up a few houses away instead of in front of our house. First grade was a tough transition year for both of us. I have taught second grade too and it is a different world. The kids really settle in to school. We love Madison's teacher so far. She has gotten Madison off to a great start. Molly went for an Open House to meet her teacher and new classmates last Friday. Again, we are just thrilled with her teacher. She seems to be a great match for Molly too. Both of the girls need a teacher who is loving but firm. Kind of like their mother:) It is amazing how different 3 and 4 year olds are. Last year at Molly's open house all the kids sat on the floor playing by themselves. This year within 5 minutes Molly was having a tea party with two other girls. I have a wonderful class. It has been such a smooth transition this year having our first year of job sharing under our belt. It will only get easier. The fact that Jodee and I are so compatible certainly doesn't hurt. All of the parents were optimistic and the kids have adjusted beautifully. My principal is much more comfortable with our arrangement. It is unbelievable how much less my stress level is getting out of the gate this year. Jodee came up with the idea to have a rain forest themed room. I absolutely love it! Check out our wed site to see some pictures. Jodee updates the site fairly often. http://www.freewebs.com/fantasticfirst/index.htm I have to give her all the credit for thinking out of the box and the creativity. She is so good for me! I am happy to be right next door to Joey sharing lots of laughs and bouncing ideas back and forth again. I am so blessed to work so closely with such wonderful friends. I wish our great friend and old teammate Samantha were still here:( That is the only thing keeping me from a perfect set up. Although I will miss the warm days of summer, the start of the school year is an exciting time. All around I am predicting a wonderful school year.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I can't say I wish I was there with you, but I sure do miss you. Your classroom looks AWESOME.