Friday, September 10, 2010

Molly's End of the Year Events

Molly had an awesome end to an awesome year!  Her music enrichment class had a program.  She did a great job.  We were excited that Molly was chosen to be in the enrichment program and we enjoyed being there to see what she has learned.  Her class had an Author's Celebration.  She performed again with some of the other Kindergarten classes.  Hearing young children sing brings me to tears every time!  After they kids sang Molly shared some of her writing with us and we read stories to her and one of her friends.  It's so fun to read the stories that she wrote.  She has come so far this year and has quite and imagination!  We sat on a blanket outside and shared doughnuts.  I was able to help out on field day.  I took a group of her classmates around through different activities that were set up outside.  Wow!  Was I tired after that!  It was a lot of fun.  The day before school was out for the summer molly's class had an end of the year party with games and ice creams sundays.  I finished up school a very days before the girls so I was happy to be able to be a part of Molly's end of the year activities.  Next year she'll be one of the "big kids" when she heads back to PVN for her last year.  We will miss Mrs. Matthews.  She was a wonderful teacher who taught Molly a lot.  I have a feeling that Molly taught her a few things too:)

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