Sunday, March 27, 2011

CUSA U10 Black Winter Season

Madison kicked off the indoor soccer session with the CUSA banquet.  We had many reasons to be proud!  Her team finished second in their division.  Madison met her skills goals.  Her coach was names coach of the year in all of central and western Ohio and one of her assistant coaches was named CUSA's assistant coach of the year.  If they could have given two of those awards her dad would have had one too.  They had several older players speak of their experiences and give advice to the younger players.  The basic messages were to sieze the moment because you can't get it back and play happy because that's what it's all about.  Wise words for young men and women.  Madison's theme for the upcoming season is to play happy.  She is a passionate player and sometimes that gets in the way of her having a good time.  As she grows and matures I know she'll find a balance.  The kids started indoor soccer and they were out of shape!  In their defense it's not easy to run for 40 minutes straight and give it your all the whole time.  Especially when your stuck inside most of the winter!  It's putting the idea of "playing happy" to the test for Madison.  Duane wrote it all over her soccer ball to remind her.  Hopefully things will come back together for her team as the indoor session progresses.  At a minimum it will help get them in shape for the spring season.

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