Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pennies for a Purpose

Molly participated in the Fitness Challenge to raise money for her school.  Duane volunteered for the special event and Mallory and I were there to cheer her on.  She did a great job!  Molly's class was learning about the life of Martin Luther King and all that he did to help people and spread love and kindness.  They decided to follow in his footsteps.  Each child in Molly's neighborhood, consisting of 6 classes, decided to earn 100 pennies by doing good deeds and chores at home.  Together they voted on a local charity to donate the money they raised.  They decided on a local food pantry.  The students also collected food for the pantry.  To celebrate love and kindness her neighborhood had a special program.  They sang and used sign language to share the songs and we watched a slide show.  I didn't have a dry eye during the whole performance.  They sang, All you Need is Love, Imagine, What a Wonderful World to name a few.  After the performance we walked around the halls and looked at many wonderful projects that Molly had been working on.  It was a beautiful night and another time for me to appreciate what a wonderful place Molly goes each day to learn and grow!

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