Monday, January 26, 2009


It was finally warm enough to go out and play in the snow after several days of very frigid temperatures. In the past I have had to stay home with a little one instead of going sledding. This year all the kids were old enough to go so I went along too. It always amazes me how fearless kids are. I am often put in situations that remind me how I'm getting old. They are the same things I did without hesitation as a child, like roller coasters, water slides and sledding. Now I have to force myself to do this things that my kids are more than willing to do. When I sat on the sled at the top of the hill, I spent a few minutes trying to convince myself that I could do. Madison and Molly went down ahead of me literally seconds after making it to the top of the hill. Mallory, my 2 year old went down with Duane next. A soon as she got to the bottom she said ,"I want to do it again!". So there I was all alone talking myself into taking the plunge. Finally, I did and it felt great! I immediately climbed up the hill and went down again. Madison and Molly were a team the whole time. Madison would pull Molly up the hill over and over and they went down together every time. I was so thrilled at how well they were getting along. I would take them sledding every day to have a little of that each day. Now that the kids are getting older, it seems that there are so many more things that we can do all together. I'm really enjoying that. We had a great day in the snow!

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