It is never a dull moment in our house with Molly. Some of the things she says really blow me away! She has an amazing memory. Except for when it comes to letters and numbers! At least that's what she wants us to think. That ensures that she gets more one on one time with us to practice. She is very dramatic and is working hard to accept that she can't always have it her way. The other day out of the blue she told me she was going to be a different kid from now one. She was going to do what she was told, listen in school and be nice to her sisters. I said, "I'll take it!":) Honestly, she really is a good kid with such a loving heart. I really don't have to tell her more than once to do most things. Sometimes she just does them automatically, which is so nice for me. I love to watch her interact with Mallory. They really have become the best of friends. Mostly because Molly is so willing to give Mallory her time, attention and lots of affection. Many mornings, Molly gets Mallory out of her crib. It is not uncommon to see them cuddled up on the couch together or to hear them said, "I love you". It's such a precious gift to a mother. I am blessed to see the love of sisters everyday. I always missed having that. Molly has taken an interest in roller skating. She is bound and determined to skate around like the big kids. Now it consists of her holding on to me with one hand and the wall with the other. She stays up about 75% of the time now. Every time she gets a little more confident. She continues to like gymnastics and is improving her skills alot. This spring she's going to try her hand at soccer. Kindergarten registration is right around the corner too. I remember when I was in my first trimester with Mallory. I was so exhausted, I could hardly get off the couch in the evening. Molly was always there for a cuddle on the couch and she is still my little cuddle bunny. Even though she's not so little any more:(
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