Friday, June 19, 2009

The First Week of Summer Break

We had a very eventful first week of summer break! On Saturday Madison finished up her last soccer game and ended the season with a pizza party with her team and Brian Barlow's team. She is very disappointed that she has to take a break from soccer. We are very excited because she tried out for a select team and made it to the second level team. There are three levels. She will be on the team for 2 years and Duane will be her assistant coach. Duane and I celebrated our 11 anniversary. The years are passing all too quickly. After church that evening he and I headed to Cincinnati for dinner at the Montgomery Inn on the river. It was great atmosphere and a wonderful time with my favorite man. On Sunday we headed to Columbus for Robert's graduation party. We all enjoyed good food and spending time catching up with family that we don't get to see often enough. On Monday the girls and I spent the afternoon swimming at the rec center. The weather wasn't cooperating for the out door pool. But we still had fun. On Tuesday Madison had to have an extra tooth removed. We were all apprehensive, especially Madison. She was dealing with a lot of anxiety for several weeks. She knew the procedure was coming up but we decided not to tell her until that morning. We wanted her to get a good nights sleep and not be so worried. It was heart breaking to see her that way. She handle the whole ordeal like a champ! It was so hard leaving her and waiting. They were putting her under which was a little unsettling to say the least! But everything couldn't have gone better. It was a big tooth! After a few days of rest and ice cream, we were all ready to get out of the house. So I took all three girls to see the movie up. It was such an adorable movie and the girls were all so cooperative and well behaved! Molly had been going to safety village every day that week. On Friday we went to her safety village graduation. It was very cute! We celebrated our first week of summer by having lunch at our favorite Chinese restaraunt. Just the girls and I! I sat there watching them slurp their egg drop soup and making attempts to use their chops sticks and I stepped into the future thinking about what lunch with my girls will be like in 15 year. It is a bitter sweet time for me now. I am enjoying that the girls are getting older and it's easier and more enjoyable to take them places. But that also means they are growing up. I wish they could stay little forever! It was a great first week of summer break!

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