Friday, June 19, 2009

Another Busy Week!

Duane left for another business to trip to China. This is the second time in three months. It's so hard when he's away. We miss him so much! It's even harder for him being as far away as possible from his family. We tried to keep busy to make the time pass quickly. We spent some time at the pool, Lola spent the night one night and Molly got to have a sleep over at her friend Ryese's. We watched movies together and played games. On Wednesday we went to Massillon. We enjoyed having dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Scott. On Thursday we went to lunch in Amish Country with Aunt Susan, Aunt Cindy and Sara. After getting lost several times, we made it to Rolling Meadows Farm. We took a wagon ride around 80 acres of fenced in land where there were numerous animals from all over the world. The girls loved it! I on the other hand was a little freaked out, because I am not crazy about being that close to live animals! But I did it for the kids. They even got to feed them. I watched:) Friday couldn't come soon enough! The girls and I worked on Father's Day cards and went to the Massillon Rec to swim. We had dinner with Lynn and was grateful for the company and chance to catch up. After his flight was delayed and we thought he might not leave Chicago that night, luckily things worked out and I picked Duane up at the Cleveland airport that night. Madison and my father-in-law went a long for the ride. I was so happy to have Duane back with us. On Saturday we went to Megan's graduation party. It was at a community center with a pool. The kids had fun swimming and playing with their favorite boy, Logan. We drove home after the party. I was very much needing to be home. It felt so great to sleep in my own bed next to my husband finally. The weight of the world started to lift from my shoulders. Father's Day and my birthday were the next day. I missed being with my dad. Things didn't work out the way we had hoped. It was sad and unfortunate for all of us. I had a very strong need for my time in church that morning. Duane and the girls took me out to lunch after church. We spent the evening at the pool. Duane and my girls made me feel loved and significant that day and I really needed it. They reaffirmed who I am and what matters most to me. I pray that this next year of my life will be filled with peace, love and good health.

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