Friday, July 10, 2009

Molly on Two Wheels!

Molly has been riding her bike with the training wheels bent so far up they don't touch the ground for weeks. We finally convinced her to let Duane take the training wheels off. We suited her up with her helmet, elbow pads and knee pads and she was ready to go. I held on to her as she road around the yard in the grass, then I let go when she reached the drive way. She stumbled once she realized I wasn't holding on. Then she gave it another try on the drive way. The next thing we knew, she was flying down the street as if she had been riding without training wheels for years! The look of pride on her face was so wonderful to see! She is entering a phase of her life where she is going to learn so much and make leaps and bounds. I am so blessed to be a part of her life to share in all of these moments to come. She immediately had no trouble getting started or using her breaks. She actually skidded into the driveway intentionally when she was finished! It was a very exciting evening for all of us. The only problem is now I can't keep up with her on my power walks:) I guess I just have to work a little harder!

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