Monday, August 2, 2010

Madison's 9th Birthday

Madison is 9 years old!  That blows me away!  She decided she wanted to have an iCarly themed  sleepover this year.  That evening the snow started coming down pretty hard.  But all the girls were able to make it to the party.  We set up a pizza making station in the kitchen.  The girls painted pottery animals while they waited for their pizza.  After they ate Madison opened her gifts and we had cup cakes and ice cream.  Madison asked for German chocolate cupcakes, which I thought was kinda funny since she had never had them before.  But luckily she loved them.  They listened to music, danced and played games for a while.  It was a noisy, but fun bunch!  Duane borrowed a projector from work so they could watch movies on the big screen.  We covered the floor with mattresses, pillows, sleeping bags and bean bag chairs.  It was a pretty neat set up.  The girls had popcorn and root beer floats while they watched the movies.  Then the late night giggles began and continued well into the night.  The next morning we had a big pancake breakfast before everyone went home.  Everyone had a blast.  The next day was Madison's actual birthday.  She picked Friday's for her birthday dinner.  She got a few DS games and a season pass for Kings Island.  It can be a lot of work sometimes, but I love making the girls birthdays extra special for them.

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