Thursday, July 3, 2008

Aunt Annie's

We had a field trip to Aunt Annie's Pretzels for Brownies earlier this month. We were happy that Molly got to tag along. She loves being included in things with her big sister so it was a big deal to her. She fit right in. It was really neat. The girls got to go back behind the counter and make their own pretzels. Then they learned all about the history of pretzels and how Aunt Annie's got started. I found out that years ago Monks started making pretzels to give the school children as a reward for learning their prayers. That came in handy for me for snack and prayer time during bible camp. We got a free pretzel and lemonade. All three of us had a great time. Don't they look so adorable in their little hats:)

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Every time I read a new post on your blog, I'm reminded how much I miss you and wish I was there to know the girls. Love you.