Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sweet Baby Girl

Mallory turned 1 in October. She is happy and on the go. We think she is going to be an early talker like Molly. She repeats everthing. Now that she is so mobile, she gets into lots of trouble. Especially with her two big sisters. She wants to be doing what they are doing. But most of the time she ends up destroying their works in progress and getting banished. Her latest accomplishments are standing on top of the kitchen table and doing a sommersault. There are no safe places left in our house. She loves to cuddle and give kisses. She looks just like Madison. Every time she hears music she starts to dance. She can imitate the Little Mermaid singing with perfection. Her giggles are contagious. She is a girl who knows what she wants and lets you know it. We started signing with her several months ago and she is really starting to pick up on it. It's so adorable! Her favorite things to do are taking a bath and playing with her Busy Ball Popper. She loves her toothbrush. She would have one in her hand all day if we would let her. Our sweet baby is not a baby anymore:(

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I HATE that I don't know her. She is such a sweetie!